Saturday, March 30, 2013

March 30, 2013

It's another gorgeous day outside.  Lee is working, which I'm really unhappy about.  But I don't want to let it ruin my day, so Dom and I went outside and played with bubbles while Jax slept.  The weather really is beautiful.

1.  Fresh air.  All of the windows in the house are open. I love airing out the house after a long winter spent cooped up inside.  The backyard is a MESS, but that's okay because we found a bunch of balls and kicked them around.  Dead leaves don't stop that. 

2.  Licorice allsorts.  I ate half a bag yesterday.  And the other half for lunch today.  Bad Steph.  But so, so good...

3.  These two pictures:

My heart is bursting with love for my kids!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

It.s six in the morning and Jax and I have been awake for half an hour already. Not my choice, but there isn't much you can tell a three month-old to make him go back to sleep. So I'm listening to tunes, typing one-handed with a squirmy baby on my lap, and thinking about Easter.

1. The past few years, though I have always believed in Him, Easter has flown by with hardly a second thought.  This year, as I bury myself deeper in Jesus, Easter week has brought on joy and sorrow to new depths.  The pain of what our Saviour bore for us has made itself new in my eyes, as well as the joy that we can have living on this side of the cross.  Today, Good Friday, started off early, and though I felt sorry for myself having to spend it alone with the kids, I'm actually grateful that Lee decided to work.  Having a few moments to ponder who Jesus is and how He loves us enough to make this sacrifice has reset my heart for the day.  I don't want to be the grumpy wife who complains about everything, nor do I want to feel sorry for myself for being alone.  Jesus is enough for me, and I think that's what He is trying to teach me this year.  That all He did for us is all we'll ever need, and that everything else is a nice addition.  The time will come when we will celebrate Easter as a family, but for now I am blessed to celebrate it in my heart, where He resides.

2. Being up early enough to watch the sunrise.  Jax was up really early, but he went back down for a nap just as the sun was rising.  I've always enjoyed the hours just before sunrise, before the world gets busy and distracted.  The weather is calm and warm, the birds are singing, and we live in a blessed part of the world.  Calgary is a beautiful place, if one stops working long enough to enjoy it.  I get so caught up in the minutiae of my day that I forget to stop and appreciate what my life actually consists of.  I'm incredibly blessed and clear minded enough right now to be incredibly grateful.

3. Classical music.  I watched this video the other day, and it is by far my favourite TED video.  I can't seem to get enough classical music since.  It's more satisfying than candy, which is pretty amazing for someone with a sweet tooth like mine.  I've been gorging on licorice allsorts lately, but somehow Chopin, Beethoven and Vivaldi are more decadent and delicious.

Chocolate Rabbits and Fiery Skies,

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27, 2013

Here's what's making me feel grateful right this second:

1. The inexhaustible opportunities for self-improvement. Every time I recognize a part of myself that is negative or hurtful, I have the capacity to be changed. And every time I make the choice to be more like Christ, I am more humbled and He is lifted higher.  

My bitterness will become sweet water

2. Snuggling with Jax while I write this.

3. The beautiful weather in Calgary today.  Spent over an hour at the park this morning - something we haven't done since last summer before I was mega-pregnant or snowed in.

This picture wasn't taken today, but what's a blog without lots of pictures?

Fresh coffee and baby snuggles,

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

March 26, 2013

In this season of feeling a little bit lost, a little bit joyful and a lot confused, I'm going to start focusing on the positives so the stupid little negatives will remain exactly that - stupid and little.
Right this second, here is what I am thankful for:

1. Dom and Jax both having a nap at the same time.  Granted, they've only been sleeping at the same time for about 20 minutes, but the fact that Dom took a nap - and a two hour one at that - is enough to make me sing a refrain from...a musical?

2. I'm having a really good hair day.

3. I don't know what I am right now, besides a mom.  That thought is the source of so much frustration and frankly some days, depression.  But it's also really exciting not knowing where I am at.  God is going to show me which path to take, and when to take it.  Until then, I have nothing to worry about other than whether there are still fish crackers in the cupboard.

Cupcakes and Rainbows,